Of we go!!
Soon we are going to Denmark! We have to go a little more into the city where we will take a huge boat!! We are going to be on the boat for 3 and a half hour. I love the shops onboard the boat.
Then when when the boat comes to Denmark we have to drive for about a hour and then we come to the hotel!!
We are not going to update in like 2 weeks cause we are staying in Denmark for 1 week and then we are going to Poland for another week!!
So bye and I will update when we come back!!
See ya

Im really tired in this picture cause it is like 7 in the morning!!
Hi guys!!

Omg i really want to watch Eclipse soon cause I havnt seen it and ive heard its really good!!

Done packing!!
I have just finished packing AND cleaning my room. We didnt get to have those big black suitcases, (Im not complaining by the way) so now i have 3 bags!! One small suitcase, a sports bag and kind of a big handbag. I had to squeeze a lot but after a while everything finally fitted. Even though my 4 pair of shoes had to go in a fourth bag which i share with isabella.
I havnt packed down my ipod or phone yet cause they have to charge, so i will pack them down tomorrow!

My 3 bags!! The shoe bag isn't included here!!
Hi guys!!
How are you? Tomorrow we are leaving to denmark!! Yeah!!
Sorry this was kind of a really boring update but yeah!!
Katri i think it was in Spain with you on that picture!!
See ya
(Cant think of a title)
Now we have eaten breakfast (actually we ate breakfast a long time ago) and we are watching Cribs on MTV!! They have really nice houses!!
Today i really really have to pack cause i didnt bother yesterday either!! So yeah!
Me and bella always use these small bags when we go away but the problem is we are going to be away for about 2 weeks and those small bags dont have enough space for me i think so i asked dad if i could have this huge bag and he has to think about it so im keeping my fingers crossed!!
See ya
Sweet dreams at least we will!!
so random

Pack you're bags
So... cant think of anything to write... My train of thought just left... anywhooo... packing tomorrow no idea how the weather is going to be!! Hopefully sunny. Dont want to clean my room but it is must!!
List of things im bringing: (My sis did it as well but whatever)
- Clothes
Hey guys watching the latest music video with Eric Saade.
It's called Sleepless.
It's really good!!
It starts of bad but it gets better!!
Anyway i gonna listen to some other songs like California Gurls by Katy Perry Listen here
See ya

Listening to Kesha
HI now i am listening to Kesha Blah Blah Blah.
I am really bored i might as well go watch TV what ever!
Do you like Justin Bieber, I think he really good!!!!

See ya, bye!!
Hiiiiiiiii Today we worked in the garden, and jumped on then trampoline. YAY!!!!!!

Hi guys!!
I have just earned a 125 crones today cause me and isabella has helped dad in the garden!! It was really tiring and we worked for a couple of hours. It was all worth it cause we got MONEY!! Hihi now my plan of saving money has started!! Yeah im happy!!
Tomorrow i really have to pack cause i didnt have time today either!! So thats one thing im doing tomorrow!!
see ya
Hi guys!!
Im sitting here listening to music (me and isabella had a little fight about which song it was gonna be and so now we are listening to Love Me by Justin Bieber!!)
Anyway 2 days left until we are going to Denmark!! yeah!!
I gotta start to clean my room cause i kinda couldnt bother yesterday!! In denmark im guessing we aren't going to write anything on the blog cause we probably won't have the computer with us!!

Well me!! DUH!!
See ya

What i have to do and won't do!!!!
(Isabella) HI today is just like yesterday the things i had to do didn't get done!!!!!! (Except the shower part!)
The list for yesterdays things to get done is just about the same today. BORING!!!!!!!!
Our school start's the 17th of August, it feels like the whole vacation just disappeared.
At least we are going to Denmark soon on monday YAY!!! After we have been in Denmark we might go to poland!!!

2 pictures!!
Heres 2 pictures!!

Laura a couple years ago!!

Eloise, Florence and Justine at the 70's party.
I have been day dreaming today and i looked at a website and i found a really nice mini laptop. It was super cute!!
Now i know what i want to save up to!!

its really small and perfect!!
Just thought that i would tell u that!!
See ya
2 different lists

Ok so im really tired today but i kinda have a few things that i want to have done today. i know isabella has made a list of things she is going to do today but i think im going to do that too!!
- Clean my room
- Ask Isabella how the washing machine works so that i can wash some of the clothes i want to bring to Denmark. (Mum taught Bella how the washing machine works a while ago)
Ok that wasnt that much that i had to do today but here is a list of things im bringing to Denmark and Poland:
- Clothes
- Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Hair brush etc....
- Swimming suit
- My ipod
- my phone
- Magazine
Thats all i can think of now and isabella wants the computer!!!
see ya


hi today it is hot the kind of day u have nothing to do most people r on holiday but of course we r not. well we r leaving for denmark on monday. i shouldn't be bored cause i got plenty of stuff to be doing like......
- clean my room (seriously this is not the kind of cleaning u do when u kind of make you're bed this is a deep clean!!!)
- pack my bag for denmark (boring and i can't find the stuff i need again cause my room is a big mess!!)
- take pictures of some things that we r going to sell on a website.
- practice some football (we got it as home work over the summer!!)
- take a shower
lots to do and no energy to do it well bye!!!! happy holiday!!


the day at the lake
Hi guys!
Today we have been at a lake the whole day which has been really nice! It took almost an hour to get there but it was totally worth it. We came to this little place that was really good!! Me Katri and Bella went into the water at once! It was surprisingly warm and we swam for a while!! It was really freaky cause you kinda couldn't see the bottom of the lake and isabella had a pair of goggles with her which i borrowed and tried to swim down a bit but it was so dark and freaky so i didn't dare!! In my defense even Katri our 19 year old cousin was to scared too!!
Then we got really hungry so we decided to eat!! It was really different foods that we ate. We ate crisps, sandwiches, cookies all at the same time!! Weird but good!!
Daddy decided to bring some mattresses (The ones that you have when you sleep inside which you have to put air in)
and use it on the water. It was really fun and we tried standing on them which was really fun cause you kept on falling of!!
Then we went to another place to light a fire and we fried sausages!! It was good!!
It was really fun!!
See ya
Now we are going to a lake to swim with our aunt uncle and cousin!! Its gonna be great!!
See ya
Hi guys!!
We cycled down to an Indian Place where we ate lunch (more like dinner anyway!) Now we are home again and im on my ipod!! I just made my bed and took out some clothes out of my bedroom cause guess what?....... Katri is coming soon!! YAAAAYYYY!! When we came home a magazine was waiting for us!
Its called Frida and its this really good teen magazine!! Im happy cause we had this deal where we only get 8 Frida magazines but dad said that we can continue for another year with the magazine!! THANKS MUM AND DAD<3
See ya
Good morning
Good morning! Im really tired so I just lie in front of the television together with dad and Bella. Mum is at the gym today!! I cant understand how she manages to get up that early to go to the gym!
Anyway i have no idea whats gonna happen today!! Hopefully doing something with Katri.
Ok im out of things to talk about so heres some random pictures.
See ya

Hihi kidding i will take pictures from 2009 to 2010

Me in Justine's pool

The house we lived in in France

A picture of me Justine and Isabella at the sushi restaurant in Lyon

Florence Dulcie Bella and me

Me and Bella not to long ago at a beach with aunt and uncle.

Justine a while sgo when she came to visit us!!


Picture from Finland on the Easter break.

Florence before we moved!!
Im kinda really much awake today cause our aunt is here which is fun!! Yeah!! Im watching television right now. Before we watched Jackass which was really fun!! There was this guy who had to wrestle a alligator!! Which went really well since he had never done that before.
Today Katri (we mention Katri a lot in our blog but she is our cousin who is almost an older sister for us) texted me and asked us what our plans were for tomorrow and we have nothing planned so yeah we will see what happens tomorrow!
Sorry for the really long sentence in brackets before but i can explain more here than i could there, anyway what i was saying was that Katri is our cousin and she has been away for most of the summer and im really looking forward to seeing her again!! Just in case you wondered!!
Anyone awake and wants to text or chat with me (maybe not at 12 o'clock in the night) never mind!!
Good night
See ya

Picture of me
nothing to talk about!!
Hi guys!! what's up!!
Tonight me and Bellas aunt is coming to eat at our house. Its gonna be fun! Im looking forward for it. My back really hurts and i dont know why!! Im lying in the sofa watching TV while i have the laptop in my lap!!
Its really comfortable. Ok i dont have anything to talk about.
see ya
Good morning guys!!
Yesterday i sent around a email which i asked some people if i was allowed to put pictures on them on the blog and so far Florence and Justine has answered that i could put pictures of them so here comes a few!!

Picture of Bella and Flo

And here is Justine

Flo again

Justine and Bella

And me and Bella (I look really weird but who cares)
See ya
PS tell me in the comments if you want me to put pictures of you too!!
home again.
So after all we went to play mini golf which was really fun!! All the bowling places were closed today so then we did mini golf instead!! I seriously sucked!! I was at the last place, which wasnt that fun. I kinda got really mad at times cause it took so long to get that dang ball into the hole. Mini golf is not my kinda sport!! Football fits me a little better:
Last night we slept over at annas house and then in the morning we went home for a little while and i took a shower, brushed my teeth, cleaned my room (there were clothes all over the room) and skyped a while with Florence which was fun too.
Then it was time for the mini golf and the parents thought it would be a great idea to cycle there and there was a nice forest road but it was really bumpy and hilly which was annoying!!
Some day i really want to watch Eclipse the 3rd Twilight movie cause i havnt seen it yet.
See ya

Our football team (Isabella has the red shirt cause she is the goalie)
Today our family and annas family were doing something together and me and bella mum and dad wanted to go go-karting but anna was scared so of course we couldnt do that so they suggested bowling and i dont know if i want to. Dont get me wrong i like bowling just that i find it a little bit boring. But it will probably be ok anyway!!
see ya
Yeah i just ate ice cream!! yay!! We have been swimming with anna but i got really cold so i didn't want to swim anymore so then i went home and ate ice cream! Yeah Katri comes home on tuesday so yeah that is gonna be fun cause i have been missing her for ages!!
see ya
Good Morning!! Just woke up and im lying in the sofa watching TV! In almost a week and a half we are going to Denmark and after Denmark we might actually go to Poland. I have always thought Poland as a really cold place but apparently its not like that and that it can be really warm so thats good!! So yeah!
see ya
Me mum and isabella just made jelly (with some berry which i don't know what they are called in english but in swedish they are called vinbär) which turned out really good and tasty. It was dads day before the vacation yesterday so yeah that was really good!! He is happy about that too i think! Dad is lying and watching the history of formula 1 racing on the TV and isabella is brushing her hair and mum is eating so now im wondering what i should do!! Hmmmm??
Have a nice evening
see ya
good morning (actually not morning right know)
I know its like 2 o'clock but i just ate breakfast!! I know im really weird. Anyway i woke up half an hour ago so yeah i went down to the television when the doorbell rang so mum went and opened the door and there stood the woman next door. Dad had helped her with her car a few days before that so she gave us 2 whole boxes of strawberries and 2 Ben and Jerry ice creams. That was really nice of her and they were really good!!
See ya
hello everyone!!
Just gotten back from annas house. Now we are going to eat!! I think we are the only family that decides to eat 12:30!! Kinda weird but still its kinda fun!! We had a great time at annas house. We were swimming a lot while the parents were talking. There was 7 kids and i was the oldest of them all!! maawhaahha!! There was 3 kids that were 6 years old and one girl who was like 4!! She reminds me a lot of Selma in France!! MISS FRANCE BY THE WAY!! Anyway and then it was me Anna and isabella!! 2 of the 6 years old boys were swimming like the whole time or they would be jumping on the trampoline begging me and isabella and anna to jump with them and make them fly which we didnt want to do!! The little 4 year old girl was like always in our arms and we were like putting her on the mattress all the time!! Then i got really cold so i didnt want to swim more (that was when all the small kids had gone home and only me anna and isabella and of course the parents were left)
Anyway i hope you had a nice evening!!
see ya
PS someone has commented a blog post (i think it was "soon its the summer holidays" or something) and they said hi hi which was fun but it would be fun to know who it was so pls reply in the comments.
it is sooo warm and the heat is killing me!! I just took a really cold shower which felt really good but of coure i couldnt stand there for ever!!
In the morning me and isabella were outside woodcrafting (dont know what its called) we were using like hammers and stuff like that which was really fun. Then when we were going to paint what we had made and we kind of took a paint that wasnt water based so that means that it wont wash of your hands or brushes with water (it was by mistake of course) so mum got really stressed out cause we didnt know if we had any chemical that could remove that but luckily we did!! I got really relieved! Anyway we had to throw away the paint brushes!!
At 7 o'clock we are going to annas house because mum and dad are having a drink with there mum and dad!! so we are going to swim.
see ya

this is what i made (I know its really bad but i have never made anything out of wood before)
plans for the summer
Im trying to figure out how this blog works and how you can put youtube videos and stuff and maybe have a picture where it says crazy cupcakes! Does anyone know? Katri you know right?
Anyway today we went shopping with Anna our neighbor and im extremely proud of myself because the only thing i actually bought was an ice cream cause it was soooooo warm outside!! I was extremely tempted to buy a lot of things but i resisted.
Tomorrow we might make jam with mum which is gonna be really fun.
Saturday mum is gonna invite a friend to us home for dinner.
On the 25th we are going to Denmark which is gonna be great!
I guess thats what we know what we are doing the next couple of days and weeks!!
See ya

A picture of Katri and bella!! (Hope you dont mind Katri)
5th time at Lisseberg
(Isabella) Hi yesterday i went to lisseberg with a friend from school and that was my 5th time now. Well anyway it was soooooo hot that we had to go on some rides that make u wet nearly all the time. We were there until 21:30.
now i am boiling and to top it of i am going to go sunbathing now!!!!!!!

i am really tired!!!!!
out in the sun
thought about doing a quick update!!
Yeah now after i have wrote this update im going to take a quick shower and then im going out to sunbathe a little.
That was pretty much it! isabella told me a while ago that she actually was probably writing something too so yeah!!
see ya
yeah bellas home!!
Bella came home a while ago!! yeah!! the bad thing is that she will be leaving when anna has eaten (by the way anna is our neighbor) well im coming with her!!
see ya
raining raining raining
Hi its raining so im really bored. I think isabella is home but not sure. Im actually gonna go and look for her right after i have watched the ghost whisper episode that has just started so yeah see ya
Ps mum just told me that isabella is at anna's house.
Hii!! as you can see i have changed theme of the blog and i haven't actually seen if it looks good so i will probably see if it looks good and if it doesn't i will change it again!!
SOOO now we have spent 2 whole days with Cornelia which has been fun. Yesterday we spent the morning at the beach and then we went to Liseberg. It was fun but i got kinda mad cause we were just going on a ride which we stood in the cue for half an hour and then just when we sat in the train they said that there was a technical difficulty and that we had to go off the train and go! So that kinda got me mad! Then after Liseberg me and bella slept over at Cornelia's house and today we spent the whole day on the beach again. Of course we all got sunburned so Bellas back really stings and my face!
When i came home i felt really salty and gross so i went straight to the shower. I even had a mini spa treatment by myself. I used face scrub, face mask, foot scrub, and also another thing almost like a hair conditioner but you keep it in your hair for a while (in swedish its called hår inpackning) Well it was really relaxing.
Now me dad bella and 2 guests are looking at the football game, Spain against Germany. (GO SPAIN)
Well im gonna go back at looking at the game soooo
bye bye
See ya
hii again!!
ok so the day before yesterday we went to the beach with our aunt and uncle which was really nice!! I EVEN SWAM IN THE OCEAN!! It was really cold but kinda nice anyway!! Bella is out on the beach today with a friend! Tomorrow we are going to the beach again with Cornelia a friend and after the beach we are going to Liseberg againwith her!! There is a lot of going to the beach and going to Liseberg but what can you expect when its summer!! I mean if you have a golden pass on Liseberg you have to use it. At least thats what i think!!
So what re you doing during the summer? Anything exciting?
See ya

Me and Bella a long time ago in Grandmas summer house (i really hope we can go to the house this summer too)
off to the beach!!
Now we are going to the beach to sunbathe and swim. Justine our friend from France left yesterday which was kinda sad! Well have a great day cause we know that we will have a great day!!