home again.
So after all we went to play mini golf which was really fun!! All the bowling places were closed today so then we did mini golf instead!! I seriously sucked!! I was at the last place, which wasnt that fun. I kinda got really mad at times cause it took so long to get that dang ball into the hole. Mini golf is not my kinda sport!! Football fits me a little better:
Last night we slept over at annas house and then in the morning we went home for a little while and i took a shower, brushed my teeth, cleaned my room (there were clothes all over the room) and skyped a while with Florence which was fun too.
Then it was time for the mini golf and the parents thought it would be a great idea to cycle there and there was a nice forest road but it was really bumpy and hilly which was annoying!!
Some day i really want to watch Eclipse the 3rd Twilight movie cause i havnt seen it yet.
See ya

Our football team (Isabella has the red shirt cause she is the goalie)