
it is sooo warm and the heat is killing me!! I just took a really cold shower which felt really good but of coure i couldnt stand there for ever!!
In the morning me and isabella were outside woodcrafting (dont know what its called) we were using like hammers and stuff like that which was really fun. Then when we were going to paint what we had made and we kind of took a paint that wasnt water based so that means that it wont wash of your hands or brushes with water (it was by mistake of course) so mum got really stressed out cause we didnt know if we had any chemical that could remove that but luckily we did!! I got really relieved! Anyway we had to throw away the paint brushes!!
At 7 o'clock we are going to annas house because mum and dad are having a drink with there mum and dad!! so we are going to swim.
see ya
this is what i made (I know its really bad but i have never made anything out of wood before)

Postat av: Flo xxx

Haha! It is good but... what is it?

2010-07-18 @ 11:10:41

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