I have been very active yesterday with cleaning and stuff!! Like everyone that knows me knows that when i come home from school i straight away go and lay in front of the TV!! Then if i have football i go and put my training clothes on and then we go and when i come home we eat and then i watch more TV!! Well anyway i came home from school yesterday made a sandwich ate it while me mum and isabella walked down to the bike shop not that far away!! Isabella bought a BMX in that shop a few days earlier so we went there to get pegs for it!! Then we went home and i put football clothes on and then we went to football!! then after i cooked food for the whole family and did the dishes cleaning out the kitchen a bit!! Then when the whole family were watching TV (which for once there were something on the TV that i usually really like) i went up to my room and cleaned it!! Then i took a shower and decided that i would make it an early night!!
I really hope that i can be this active in the future!!/Felicia
My clean bed and desk
And the rest of my room


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