Random things
Today i have been at home since i'm sick and it isn't fun let me tell you that!!! Anyway I thought that it would be a good opportunity to write something for the blog!!
Oh yeah in about 8 weeks our summer holidays start!! Dads work friends came home to us at lunch time to eat lunch with dad and to congratulate him! HE GOT 200 EUROS FROM THEM!! That is kinda cool! (i think)
Well see ya!!
(Isabella) Hi i have been to Nordstan today with my friends, and nordstan is a big shopping center in the city! It was really fun even though you got really tired of walking!!!! We were there to buy a present for a class mate's b-day party! But of course i had to buy something so i bought som nailpolish and a lipstick (by the way don't buy a lipstick with out trying it on you're hand first it might be a different shade!!!!!)

Football day!!
Tomorrow we are having this kind of football day!! its when our team are coming tomorrow morning and then we are first going to clean the football area! you know like picking up litter and stuff like that!! then we are going to train football a while and then we are going to watch some older people play and eat lunch. Then we are going to train again and then we are going to play teamwork games and then we are going to eat tacos everyone!! it was planned that we were going to sleep there but there was some that didn't want to so the trainers decided that we wouldn't!! I wanted to but this will be fun too!!

our team
I have been very active yesterday with cleaning and stuff!! Like everyone that knows me knows that when i come home from school i straight away go and lay in front of the TV!! Then if i have football i go and put my training clothes on and then we go and when i come home we eat and then i watch more TV!! Well anyway i came home from school yesterday made a sandwich ate it while me mum and isabella walked down to the bike shop not that far away!! Isabella bought a BMX in that shop a few days earlier so we went there to get pegs for it!! Then we went home and i put football clothes on and then we went to football!! then after i cooked food for the whole family and did the dishes cleaning out the kitchen a bit!! Then when the whole family were watching TV (which for once there were something on the TV that i usually really like) i went up to my room and cleaned it!! Then i took a shower and decided that i would make it an early night!!
I really hope that i can be this active in the future!!/Felicia

My clean bed and desk

And the rest of my room
We are bored!!!
Hi we are bored cause we have nothing to do. Hey, did we tell you guys that in finland we got a knife it is really nice!! (in Finland they are very proud of their knives.) It does not work to load a photo but we'll do it some other time!!
(Isabella) This might seem silly but tomorow i am going to a playground with my class, but i think it will be fun. But if you don't like playing she said you can bring some snacks!!!!

A Bump I The Road!
(isabella) I'm alive!!! Yesterday i went roller blading with my neighbour but she wanted to go on a bike, so yes of course i am famous of being the smart one (NOT)!!!!! And i wanted to go on her bike with roller baldes on and i am really short, so the bike was to big for me!!!!!
AND YES i tipped over,
yay!!! My head landed first. I went inside and i started feeling sick i did not throw up. I think i might have got a little concussion but i don't know. But to be on the safe side i was not aloud to sleep until the time i usually go to bed. It is because if i fall asleep i might trowup and then i would drown of puke, GROSS!!!

Now we are finally home again!! Even though we must say that we miss Finland already!! This week we have meet relatives that we have never even met!! Like we have two second cousins that are 5 and 9 years old!! We just watched New Moon!! LOVE IT!!

see ya

Photos have been mostly taken by Katri Melander our cusin!!!!!
Good morning this is the earliest i have ever woke up in a holiday!!!!! I think it is early. Well anyway today we are still in Finland and we are
going to the top of norway, i don't know why!!! But it will be fine!!!!! Our hotel is near ivalo and we are driving up to norway!

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is awsome!! Check him out!
We went on snowmobiles today!!! Of course you had to be 16 years old to drive so me and bella had to sit on the backs of our parents!! It !! they are huge!! i made my parents promise to take us back here to Finland in a few years so that i will have a chance of driving those things!! hihi i think they will have to have insurrance on those machines!! It was really fun!! Tomorrow we are taking a day trip somewhere!!! Im really tired from today so now im going to go to sleep!!

1.Felicia on the snowmobile
2.isabella on the snowmobile
3.isabella on a ladder in the church we went to check out!
Yesterday we went with huskies!! it was really fun but kinda freaky!! Me and my cousin went on one together!! she drove and i sat in the sleigh!! we didnt know that we had to drive the sleigh!! We thought there were going to be someone to drive it so Katri (my cousin) got really freaked out when she found out that she had to drive!! I was to light to drive!! Cause you have to be heavy enough to be able to stop the dogs!! Even my cousin who is 19 years old had some trouble with braking cause just when she stood on the brake with both her feet the dogs still could go forward!! its UNBELIEVABLE how strong the dogs are!! Well everything went okey!! THE DOGS ARE SOOOOOO CUTE!!
Here are some pictures!!

The dogs!!

Me and my cousin Katri!!

Here are some pictures!!

The dogs!!

Me and my cousin Katri!!

Hiiii, now i'm in Finland and it's awsome!!!! kitos means thank you and that's the only word i know. Hihi!!! This hat is typically Finish!!!!!