
Today we went shopping with a really good friend. I bought some jewelry and stuff like that. It was really fun!  I saw this ring that i immediately fell in love with! It is really pretty but i didn't have enough money with me, so Bella borrowed me some money so i bought it. Then we ate at burger king where we had loads of fun with the drinks and the straws haha;)
Then we just decided to go home cause we were tired. We went home and then we came up with the brilliant plan that we were going to bake and then invite our parents over for some coffee and cake. Then we realized we didn't have any drinks around so then me and mum had to walk over to the closest store and buy some.
Been a great day today and i have had loads of fun! Tomorrow we have school and football practice. Like any normal monday.
See ya
haha yeah we are weird I know Hehe


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