Cyprus! <3
We have decided to go to Cyprus this summer! We are staying with friends and it will be just amazing! Apparently it is really warm there! Sounds good to me... It doesn't feel like it is summer here in Sweden cause it is not very warm at all. It is raining almost every day which isn't how I imagined the summer would be like. Even in Sweden.
Today I woke up early to take a long walk with Bella and our friend Anna! We were walking for about an hour then we got tired and walked home. Later we have football practice so I'm just sitting on the computer not doing anything at all. I guess that's how the summer is supposed to be? ;D
See ya
This wouldn't be so bad right now! :)

Summer times!

Life's pretty good! =)
Slowly i can feel it all coming to an end. Nine whole years in school, three different schools and two different countries. And now all that is completed! I have been waiting for this moment for years and now when it is so near it feels like it has been no time at all. To the fall i start in a new school, with new classmates. Although it is scary it is exactly what i want. In a way it feels like i am done in 9th grade and ready to move on.
I can't imagine the person i would be if we had not moved to France. I surely would not choose a gymnasium that's all in English. This blog would not be written in English. I wouldnt have been introduced to so many culture as i did in ISL (international school of Lyon) We would not have met all the wonderful people and friends in our lives.
I guess now it is time to move on and get new experiences. But first the last week and a half in school is left to say goodbye to everyone. Im still gonna miss my weird class. About a week ago the whole class was on a island nearby called Brännö to enjoy a last class trip together. An truly amazing trip with loads of laughter.
Today i finished my last assignments and now there will be no homework left to do... Yes i do enjoy that. Cause i just got to know that the IB program is the toughest education in sweden. Yeah me... Or not?
Good night! ;)
See ya
Hi ;)
Have had a great couple of weeks! During the holidays we were in France visiting friends! We had a great time and as Bella and I was sitting on the plane going back home i think both of us wanted to turn the plane back to Lyon and stay longer!
As i got home i had the exciting news waiting for me, regarding my applications to different schools. (what high school i will attend to the fall) My parents brought the letter along to the airport and im sure a few people got a good laugh out of my victory dance! I got into the IB program (international program where the whole education is in english) and im really happy. This is just an preliminary acceptence but it feels really good to have gotten in the first time!
After the wonderful week in France it was back to studying in school and some exams. It was good to see my friends again but when the weekend arrived i can't say I wasn't happy!
On the friday we had a nice dinner with mum and dad and watched television. Saturday I was helping at a nearby library to show people how to borrow library books on their phones or ipads. As a thank you I got cinema tickets and that same day, Bella and me went to see the movie 21 Jump Street. I thought it was going to be really good but it turned out to be even better. As we went home we could easily say that it was one of the funniest movies we had seen in a really long time!
Today I havn't done anything. I was going to clean my room but gave up as soon as I walked into my room. Well well maybe it will seem more fun tomorrow? I doubt it but now it is to late anyway. As i was brushing my teeth and dreading the next long week i suddenly realized we have this drug and alcohol awareness day the next couple of days and i just got a lot happier when realizing we don't have any regular lessons on monday to wednesday! Gosh that brought a lot of joy!!! :D
Goodnight! ;)
See ya
Happy Birthday Dad!!
Today it is my dads birthday!
Tonight me and Bella will cook the food of his choice! My mum has this important meeting somewhere.
We love you<3
/Felicia and Isabella

why you don't cut your hair at home....

At my empty school!!
Im sitting in my school cause Bella and mum has that where she talks to the teacher about my sisters grades.
We have football straight away so I had to come. So here im sitting! I have realized my school is kind of creepy when your sitting all alone! And really booorring! If anyone is interested, this is what my school looks like!
See ya
PS reply to Justin! Aww we miss you guys soo much! I also want to visit France soon! Maybe you can visit Sweden again some time?
One of the Most Amazing Trips Ever!

Winter BBQ!
Today our family celebrated the fact that there was some sun and also that the temperature was above 0 degrees. (only one point but still) we barbequed all kind of stuff we found in the freezer! It was really good though!!
Instead of writing anything else i decided to let the pictures speak for themselves!
See ya
School researching!!
Happy New Year!!!!
Hope you have all had a Great year!
2011 was great and i hope 2012 Will be even better!!
See ya