Amazing days!

Midsummer was great. We went to our neighborhood thing where you could play some games and dance around the midsummer pole! It was really fun and after we had been there for a while we went to our neighbors house to eat dinner. We were there until late and we jumped on the trampoline and stuff like that. At like 12 o'clock we went home and our neighbor thats our age came with us to sleep over. Haha we decided to stay up the whole night for 24 hours. You won't believe how everything you says seems so funny when your that tired! We laughed for like a complete 5 minutes and when we finally stopped laughing we couldn't remember what was that funny to start with! We actually managed to stay awake until 8 o'clock in the morning. Anna (our neighbor) and Bella fell asleep at first and i was the only one that finished the movie. Then I decided to take some pictures of them sleeping! Muhahahaha!!!:D
Anyway today we went mini golfing with Anna's family and another family! We also ate at a restaurant. Then we went to the football field (only us kids) to play some football. Also Cornelia and her brother came too! It was really fun!
See ya

Good morning, slept well? Cause i didn't! I havnt slept anything. I have been awake all night just cause i couldn't sleep. That is seriously weird. Maybe it had something to do with sleeping until 12:30 last night.
Anyway now the clock is 6 and im not a least bit tired. But enough about that.
Yesterday we were with Katri and we went into the city and ate lunch and did some shopping. Then we went home to Katri were she tried on some clothes. The day was really fun!
Today its midsummer here in sweden and we are going to celebrate it together with our neighbor and her family. Im looking forward for that!
Well now im going to go and see if i can sleep a little while at least!
See ya
today it has both been raining and sunny it is changing all the time, but at the moment it is just cloudy!!!!!!!
Today it was ment to be a barbeque party with the football but because of the weather it was cancelled!
But Felicia, 4 more frinds and decided to have one of our own so that is going to be a lot of fun!!!!!
Yesterday we slept over at a friends house and had a blast!!!!!!
bye bye
shopping and Liseberg a great combination:)
Today we were going to go to Liseberg with a friend. We went there on the bus at like 11 o'clock and then we realized that Liseberg opens at 1 o'clock. So then we went to the mall and we went shopping for a while before we went to the original destination haha;) Anyway we only went on a couple of rides before we had to go home, cause we were handing out flyers in all of the houses in our neighborhood. (BTW thats about 400 houses) It took us like 2 hours. Thats pretty good considering that last time we did it, it took 3 hours! We don't do it for free if that is what you think, we actually got paid to do it.
Good night!
See ya
We have guests from Belgium and later we are going to go into the city to do some sightseeing with them!
Yesterday we played a match and we lost (I don't even know how much we lost with) but they played really unfair. They pulled our shirts and they tackled a lot. Then this girl got kinda mad at me and she kicked me on the foot really hard when no one was looking. So now my foot really hurts. The trainers in their team was like encouraging them to grab our shirts and tackling.
Anyway im really happy that we have our holidays right now! It feels really nice!
See ya
today we played a football match like i said before, and it started very early...... well 10:30 and thats early for me at least and i was sooooo tired!!!!!!! But anyway we lost and all of us were in a really bad mood after because the team we met were kind of violent!
Today we have been cleaning the whole house cause we are having guests on monday.

bye bye
football match :p
Hi, yesterday i played a football match for the team who are born 96 because they don't have a goaly and it was really fun even though it was not the first time.... But anyway we played against a team witch was very good, mhy team had met them another time where they lost with 8-1!! But this time it went a bit better cause we came tied with 3-3, so that was blast!!!!!!
Today we (Felicia and I) have football practice and we are looking forward to it.

haha old photo i was at the airport in Finland in Helsingfors
Summer Holiday!!!!! YAY!!
Hi, today is the first day of the holidays and i feels sooo good but i am stating to get a bit bored!!! Yesterday was the last day of school and we started at nine and the ended at like 11, then after me and two friends went home with me and ate tacos!!!! It was soo delicious. Then we met up with 3 more friends and went to Liseberg, it was really fun. Today when i woke up i was really tired and now i am just bored!!!!!!!

bye bye
/ ISabella