Ice hockey
Yesterday we did ice hockey! It was really fun too. Never tried it before and i could barely stand on my skates but who cares?? It was fun anyway. I accidently tripped a girl with my hockey stick... haha it was really obvious that it was me and that it wasnt allowed but i didnt get a penalty or anything.. haha it looked really funny though (but she didnt get hurt luckily!!!!)
Today we had school which was actually kinda fun. Weird i know:)

my class playing hockey! We are the once in white shirts!
See ya
Today we had curling with some in our class. It was so much fun.. seriously. even though it was really hard. We came in third place! There were 11 teams in total so thats pretty good! Tomorrow we are going to do ice hockey. Lets see how that will go......

the once that were in my team! (we even got medals hehe)
See ya
Today i have not done much, but when i walked to school i nearly slipped like 7 times cause the snow is starting to melt but then it freezes again!
But on thursday our class is going ice-skating and i am really looking forward to it, all though i can't really skate.

In the city
today me and my sister was in the city with some friends from football, we had loads of fun and i bought a wallet for 200kr witch is about 20 euros

when i saw it it was love at first site!!!!

Hehe! A real fun day today. School was fun for once. We actually had some kinda serious lessons and then of course a little less serious lessons. Tomorrow we are going ice skating.
On friday we are probably going to the city and shop or something like that with some friends from football. That will be fun!

2 more pictures from Switzerland.
See ya
Hi, as you probably know we were in switzerland over the holidays and here are some pictures!

new years eve



ski lift
there were loads more but it took ages to download!!
snow and more snow
At 11 today we had football practice! We did a lot of exercises like sit ups and stuff like that which was not so fun then but really nice today! Just outside where we practiced the car got stuck in the snow so we had to go outside and push! Our trainer had to come out and help to push! Then when we were almost home the car got stuck again. This nice man came out and helped. Then dad came to.
We also went shopping for food since im making a special breakfast tomorrow. Its my homework. We also bought things for food tonight and some candy and drink. So its going to be a nice evening with the family!

Love this picture!
See ya
school ending earlier is never wrong!
A real calm day at school. School ended an hour earlier than usual. Tomorrow we are going sleighing with the whole class. Also today we had the first football practice of the new year. It was really nice to see everyone again. Of course the playing football again was real fun! We might go to denmark with the team. Nothing decided yet though.

See ya
first day of school!
First day of school. Always a little dull and boring. I dont really like the school part but the good thing is that football is starting again. We have our first practice tomorrow. Its going to be really fun. I have loved the holidays and football was the thing missing.
Its really cold outside and there is ice everywhere. Not the fun kind of ice that we had once in France when we couldnt go to school and we were like playing outside the whole day. No the kind of ices where you know you have to take it easy so you wont slip and fall. I have slipped 3 times today. 3 TIMES!! The first time it was really funny cause first i slipped and then 2 seconds later my friend slips. Then another friend again falls. We were like laughing so hard. Then also on the way home i fell 2 times. Infront of some small kids. Really embarrassing. Who cares??
While some of us are sitting in boring lessons others are out exploring the world. (Maybe not the world but Asia)
See ya
New homeroom teacher
Hi, tonight our cousin will be on her way to Asia and i will miss her lots!!!!!
Today was the first day in school and it felt really good to see all the class mates, but the difference now is that we have a different homeroom teacher and he is said to be really good but it's still a bit annoying because he doesn't know us and it's like starting from the begining.

old photo!
Summer, school
Hi tomorrow we start school and i can't wait to see my class mates, but it's a bit annoying.
Listning to: Hold My Hand by Akon and Michael Jakson, it's really good!!!!!
Now i am soooo sick of the winter now i mean it's fun to go skiing and have snowball fights but now i can't wait untill the summer and swimming in the sea and not freezing all the time!!!!!!

bye, Isabella
Let's Dance......
Hello, now we are watching "let's dance" a competition where there are many couples dancing, and in each couple there is a famous one and a professional dancer. It is quite fun but now even though it has been every year now!!! It is a bit sad cause every year is the same shows and sometimes new ones but it gets a bit tiring but thats probably cause i watch too much TV!!!
well, well, on tuesday we start school and thats fun, but on the same day our cousin is leaving for Asia and i will miss her loads!!!!!
she will be there for 3 months!!!

but we will see her on saturday, yay!!!!
Tuesday school starts....
Today we havnt done much! Just relaxing. On Tuesday school starts again. Only half a year until the summer holidays now. Tomorrow we are eating at a restaurant with Katri and her family. We might do something with her after.
Anyway have to go and clean my room now.
See ya

Cooking for parents
Hi!! On Tueday we went to the cinema with two friends. Haha we watched Marmaduke. Even though it was kinda for younger kids we didnt mind a bit! I have just noticed that we have gone a lot to the cinema where we are like the oldest there! Anyone it was fun anyway. After the movie we went in some shops and then we went home to us. They slept over after. On wednesday we were with them again. We couldnt figure out anything to do so we played cards like the whole morning.
Then one of us had the idea that we could cook. Then that idea kept growing until we decided that we wanted to cook for all of our parents. So we asked our parents if we could invite all of the parents to dinner. They said yes so we did. Had a little short of time and had a lot of things that had to be done before they would come. We had to decide what we wanted to cook, clean the house, shop for the food, set the tables and shovel the snow. Didnt know it was that much work to have guests!
All together we were 11 people. The food was meat, potatoes and sauce. I know that it was really simple but it was a lot to do anything. It was good though. For desert we had chocolate mousse. So good. I think everyone liked it at least.
We were 6 kids so we went outside to have a snowball fight! I went in pretty fast cause it was cold.
A really fun night!
Soon Katri is going to Asia for like 3 months. We are going to miss her soooo much!
See ya

Picture from the summer
PS HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (A little late right??)
After a whole night driving we are home!
We are home now! We were actually gonna come home tomorrow cause we were supposed to stay a night at a hotel and continue the next day but dad drove the whole way instead. We came home at 6 o'clock in the morning! Just came home and threw ourselves into bed. The week has been so great even though i was sick the last skiing day.
Tomorrow we are going to be with some friends! Its gonna be real fun.
See ya