school and football
Had a really good day! Laughed like a lot! I was kinda really hyper at school today so it was perfect to have football after just to get rid of all that energy. Soon gonna take a shower and then watch Glee!
Well thats all!

Haha i really like this picture! (Katris picture)
See ya
Made pancakes
Met a friend on the bus today so we decided to do something. We made pancakes! We had to make another batter just because we kind of burned the first batter. It was really fun though!
Then after we went home to her and played with her dog for a while. Then we talked some and then we had to go home.

the pancakes we made! (The second batter)
See ya
sushi yummy....
Bella was away swimming with a friend today so me and mum went into the city and went to an art museum. Then we ate sushi. It was really nice.
On Tuesday we went shopping at a place here in sweden. I bought some clothes and stuff like that. On wednesday we just stayed home and relaxed.
Tomorrow we are going to go into the city and someone are going to do our makeup. It was a gift I got for my birthday that they will do my makeup. Im really excited cause I wanna be a stylist/ makeup artist when I grow up so I get to watch some professional person do it on me. So that is exciting.
See ya

Football tomorrow!!!!
Tomorrow we are going to play a football tournament inside and i am really looking forward to it. But Felicia was supposed to play but she got sick :( but anyway her it is still cold but hopefully the snow will go away soon.


Today im sick. Actually it started yesterday when i started feeling sick and realized i had fever. Tonight I woke up at 2 O'clock am and I had such a headache and ear ache. Went to mum and dad and got head ache pill and then i went back to sleep! Woke up this morning thinking that I felt better. No that wasnt the case. Fell asleep again.
My whole body hurts so its really painfull just to try and get up! Laying in my bed trying to get enough energy just to go down to the sofa with my duvet!
So im really bored. Tomorrow we were playing that cup so of course i cant that either!
Im waiting for Bella to come home from school at 3 o'clock! Hihi miss her!
Dad also came home from Italy yesterday really late and he went to work early this morning so I havnt said hi to him yet so im waiting for him to come home too!
See ya

Hi! Had a field trip to a museum today! It only took one hour to get the guided tour then after we could do what ever we wanted. So when the guided tour we ate.
On that short time we had time to embarrass our selfs in every possible way. Me and my friend was sitting at a table while some other friends were buying food. I was fixing my bag and when i suddenly looked up and she said like hi! I just bursted out really loud OH HI ARE U ALSO HERE! Then we burst into laugh in the middle of the restaurant. The funny thing was that we didnt know why we were laughing! So we were sitting there laughing our heads off like to mad idiots. Haha the whole restaurant were staring at us.
Then later we found a photo booth in the museum that was free so we were like 4 people trying to get into that small photo booth. That must have looked super weird! But we did get a nice picture.
Later i hid my friends phone in my pocket just to joke with her and then i forgot that i had it there and then i had to run after her to give her her phone back. Luckily i catched her before she got that far. Haha when i finally gave back her phone we burst into laughter again!
Just a minute ago we skyped with Justine and it was really nice and fun to talk to her!
On monday our holidays are starting so that will be really good. Of course we are playing a cup on saturday! (Already wrote that sorry)
Haha eventful day even though i feel kinda sick now. My throat really hurts and i feel sick.
See ya

miss the summer!
Had a pretty good day at school today. Haha even more sure of what high school i want to go to, and i have decided that i will make it!! Im determined to make it.
Anyway after school a friend came over to our house and we talked and played darkroom and some other things. Really fun even though my tummy kind of hurts. We are also soon playing a cup and that is always fun. Even if we don't win a single match (even though we will this cup ;) haha) we will still have fun as a team.
Tomorrow we have another sports day (and yes we have loads of those) and i chose to do karate and climbing. Climbing i have done before but karate is the first time. So much fun!
See ya
PS we miss u loads too Katri! It feels sad to think that u have only been gone for less than a month! 2 months left! miss u and hope that you have the greatest time ever!

happy bday!
Today its my grandmas birthday!

Happy birthday to you <3<3<3

see ya