My class did a flashmob. It´s when you have a song and you dance to it in public places. If we win we will get concert tickets to go to Stockholm and she Avicii perform live! It would be so cool.
Heres the link to it!
Please share it on facebook if you have me on facebook or like it on youtube!!
See ya
Picture that was supposed to go with the last update!
Good Morning ;)
Had to go to the dentist early this morning. I mean come on it's the holidays but apparently the dentist didnt have holidays so i decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. Im just kidding;D
Now Im home again and Im going back to bed and never coming out again!! Well until I get hungry which means it will be soon. Dang it now i got hungry!
See ya
Haha just saw Isabella's update about the buns that disapeared;) she has officially confessed now muhahaha;D
Today we went to a mall with a couple of friends! It was really fun to hang out with them again <3
I had a really great Christmas and i hope you guys did too! :D
See ya
Hello. today we baked gingerbread-men, and for the first time they did not become very thick, which is very good!!!
Anyway about a week ago we baked these buns for Santa Lucia and today the others noticed that most of them were gone. It was not ment for them to last forever but they got a bit dissapointed when they saw the bag with only two left. Now i feel guilty but at the time it was just survival skills that took over....
Well well on Thursday our vacation starts and i am really looking forward to it, because we have had soo much to do, wich just sucks!
I am also soo hyped that in the beggining of the next year, my friend and I are going shopping!!!!! Which i have been saving up to, what seems like forever....

My very missed cousin is coming home today (i think) to Sweden from England!!!
(Old picture by the way!)
Merry Christmas!! <3 Isabella
Christmas pictures<3

See ya and merry christmas!
This is what i call christmas!
We just started to bake som christmas goodies, and they look delicious!!!
Pictures will be coming soon:p
See ya / Felicia
Sankta Lucia
Tomorrow its the 13th and it is a special day in sweden. There is like a celebration when people wear white gowns with a red ribbon around the waist. The girl that is picked to walk first is called the Lucia and she has candles around her head. Then the whole bunch of people walk and sing christmas songs.
You also eat a kind of bun on the day so today we were actually baking them to have tomorrow. It was really nice baking with christmas music on and it felt really cosy.

Sankta Lucia

I have not taken the picture!!!

See ya