6 years old beat us at football!!
Hi home from a football thing. It was like a cup where you played against all the teams in the club.
It was really cute cause we got to play against 6 years old. They won!! (haha we let them win)
Anyway really fun!!
Soon cousin and aunt and uncle will come!!
See ya
Hi now we have a week of school, YAY!!
And soon it's haloween, and my class is having a haloween party so i can't wait!

Yesterday me and my friend bought this fake blood spray and it might not go away directly it fades away and it's kind of embarassing going to school with a big red mark in your face!!!!!
(it's an old picture.)
Hi listening to 'Lovekiller' on spotify.

Now i m not doing much but tomorow we are going to play football most of the day cause it's some kind of Warta day, that will be fun.

And we got a pair of earings from mum cause she was in Denmark!

What if Felicia and i were double?
IT WOULD BE AN ..........

football in the pouring rain
Hi today we went to a big thing where you could see all the different upper secondary schools and they talked about the different schools.
Im thinking that i might want to go to a school where you can become a stylist. That really interested me. Also there were a few other schools like cooking and stuff like that too that i found interesting.
After we had football practice in the pouring rain!! It was sooo cold. Dad had put on the sauna when we came home so that was really appreciated and then i took a hot shower.
See ya
see ya
Our class is going to museum today so we start later so i have a really calm morning!! I have eaten breakfast and brushed my teeth and all that stuff so now i have a little time to listen to music.
A girl that we knew when we were really little and when we still lived in Brazil (we were like 3 to 4 years then) has written a comment on gmail and its really fun!! She is 13 years old now too so thats really cool! She still lives in Brazil! Its really exciting that she has contacted us!!
Gotta go now
See ya

Long week written short!!
This is what we did this week!!
Watched Bellas match and then we slept over at a friends house with another friend being with us.
Sunday: We were with the 2 friends all morning and then we were all playing the match so we went there all together.
Katri watched the match also and then she came home to us and we played dark room and she ate at our house which was fun too. Unfortunately I had to study for a test so we didnt have time to do that much.
Monday: We went shopping for Bellas and her friends party. The party is going to be great i think!!
Tuesday: We had football training and i got my clothes that i have ordered. I really like them.
Today: Today the big shop outside our school opened so we went there on the lunch break and you got like a bag with a drink and a kind of sausage and a yoghurt. That was really good. Also ice cream only coat like 5 kr (about 50 cents) and it was like half a liter of ice cream. Also 1 and half liter of coke cost like 5 kr too!!
Then our class went to a museum which was really interesting. Then we took the tram home.
We also went to buy food at the new shop again just so mum could see it.
Haha that was really long but as maybe you can see we had a loads to do!!
See ya

(no title)
Today i woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning. I have got a cold so thats one of the reasons i didnt sleep well. Then also my shoulder really hurts so that kept me awake also!!
Anyway at least i have loads of time now until i have to go school so yeah thats always nice!! I just ate breakfast a while ago!!
Yesterday the team went out to run instead of practice. Im not saying that i liked to run but it felt good after!!
see ya
Monday again!! The start of a new week! Gosh i miss the summer holidays!! On the bright side in a few weeks we have like a week of holidays so that is always something to look forward to!!
Tomorrow we have a english test and im not really studying (technically I am studying right now cause im writing in english) but im sure its going to go great!!
Hihi in like 1 month and 4 days its my birthday!! YEAH!! Ok really early to start to think about that now but as i said thinking positive!!
See ya

Homework, homework and more homework
This weekend i have alot of homework i have:
- swedish
- english
- french
- maths
- history
- science
- animal and natur subject (don't know the name of it in enlish)
that's my weekends home work, and just to make it a little more bussy we are having guests tomorow (saturday) and then on sunday my sister and i are going to liseberg with our cousin and her friend.


good night, probably going to bed now cause i am really tired!
random update
Have loads of time now and school doesnt start until a little later so im just relaxing at home!!
Tomorrow a family that lived in France a while we lived there to are coming to eat at our house!!
On Sunday we are yet again going to Liseberg (a fun park) but this time with my cousin!!
Today at school we have really good lessons exept the one lesson we have a science test.
I have also refurnished my room so now it looks really nice.
Im just writing random stuff that is happening and what i have done.
So.... random update
See ya

Hi and bye
Had school today as usual!! After school a friend came to our house and we jumped on the trampoline and then we played dark room!! Then we went to her house were we were outside and played some football (not really football but kind of!!)

See ya

Yeah we won the match!! 2-1 to us. We played pretty good!! (we have played better)
Katri came and watched our match too which made it all better. After the match Katri came to our house and then we played a board game and then we ate pizza!! Then we played dark room which was hilarious!! Well lets just say that I had to be the one blindfolded all the time cause i always got caught!! But we had loads of fun!!
Then she had to go home and we went with her to the bus stop.
Tomorrow after school we are going to do something with a friend!! Looking forward for that as well.
Wednesday we have another match!!
See ya

Yesterday we were with our small cousins Ella and Noah and we had really fun!! Ella is 6 years old and Noah is 4 years old. They live about a hour from us.
Anyway today we are baking a cake to sell at our football match. Mum and dad are going to sell while me and Bella are playing the match!!
See ya

haha while we were waiting for the boat to come in Poland (Hihi im the captain)
visit cousins tomorrow
Its really cold in our house right now cause the heating is a little weird but luckily we have lit a nice fire which makes it a lot warmer. I have also cleaned my room today which felt really good to do!! Im listening to music right now on spotify!! What would we do without spotify????
Its starting to get really cold here so we will probably soon have to start to have football practice inside. Which isnt going to be as fun as being outside but at least we have football practice at all so i wont complain.
Anyway going to visit our small cousins tomorrow cause Ella (cousin) has had her birthday a while ago so we are going to visit them and wish her happy birthday and give her a birthday present.
Sunday we are playing a match against Kungälv (place in Sweden) which is going to be fun as usual!!
Anyway have a nice friday evening!!
See ya
