Today i was at dads work cause we had this day where you get to work in places and i chose with dad. It was really fun because dads boss hadn't booked the hotel yet for the business trip he and dad and some others were going so i got to do it over the phone. HOPEFULLY they have a room tonight. Anyway on wednesday I'm going to his job again!!
See ya
Yeah we know that we haven't written anything on the blog for a while but we have had a lot of school like an a small exhibition when we had to stay in school until 6 o'clock one day and we have also had a lot of football practices and then a lot of football matches. So we had a lot of things to do this week so this weekend we are going to our grandmas summer house and we are meeting some relatives and stuff like that.
see ya
After school today i decided to bake cupcakes and as you might have figured out me and bella loves cupcakes ( and i think they turned out pretty nice!!

Twilight t-shirt!!
We were shopping today and i found this really cute t-shirt with twilight on it!! Of course i had to buy it!!

then we also bought a hair straightener!!

Then i straightened my hair with it!!

(Well okay on that picture my hair looks exactly the same as normal)
Mum dad and Bella were looking around the house for something when they found some old pictures!!



Me and Bella
(Isabella) HI, youprobably know that i got a new bike and that bike was a BMX in stead of taking a picture of it in real i took a picture of it from a poster. I can't do any tricks but I am trying!!!