The wonderful summer feeling!
Yeah i have finally got the summer feeling. Yesterday the football school which we had had monday to thursday from 9 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon! Everyday that week i woke up and thought only a few days left of the football school and then i could wake up anytime i wanted! Then on the thursday when everything was over i could feel how much i was going to miss it. Got to know some people a little better and got to know some others and today it feels kinda empty not to take out my bike and bicycle down to the football field. I still think its really nice not to have the football school anyways don't take me wrong, just weird.
Today its midsummer and I'm in the summer mood in my shorts and summer dress.
A really good friend from france is also coming to visit soon and she is coming on Sunday night really late. Its gonna be really great. Ok now I'm running out of things to talk about.
So have a nice day everyone and have a nice midsummer celebration.

As you can probably see I'm kinda sunburned!!
See ya
Now summer has really started cause yesterday the holidays started yesterday!! yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Even though it feels great im kinda bored now!! What should i do? next week we have football school and then a good friend might come and visit Sweden!! yeah again! yesterday we were in a funpark which is called Liseberg and had some fun.

I was bored so I put makeup on myself!!

Me and bella thinking we are cool
I love mornings like this. Waking up by myself, not anyone waking me! Then get out of bed feeling that i had had a good nights sleep and that I'm not feeling tired. Also mum gave me and dad a massage yesterday so your body feels really relaxed even today. Me and Bella are sitti
ng in our PJs hirering a movie from the television (Santa Buddies) cause we really wanted to watch a movie that wouldn't be that serious and also we love puppies. Kinda the wrong season right know but who cares!!!!! We also made us some sandwiches and brought up along with some cinnamon buns that we have i the freezer (thanks to you Katri) Now the movie is soon finished and I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do now. Probably watch some more TV.
Tomorrow we are playing a football match. YEAH!!!!
Now I'm going to watch more TV.
See ya
Soon its the summer holidays!!!
Its friday today and next thursday our summer holidays begin! Yeah!! I bought this kinda dress that Im going to wear and i love it!! Today we are doing this goofy play to some little kids and the only reason I said yes to be in that play was since we get to skip math and its totally worth it since I think you all know im not really good at math!!
We have the same way we had english in France with grammar and stuff like that except that we have swedish instead. On that lesson our teacher is going to take us to this ice cream shop and then she will get us ice cream!! I like ice cream. The weather haven't been good and its been raining all week!!
Well I soon have to get going to school.
see ya
Saga Liv
HI, this is in the wrong order i should have put this paragraph in first but what ever!!!! hihi
Well last weekend we went to our grand mothers summer house and our kusins were there. One of our kusins have got a baby and she was there. SHE WAS SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! She is called Saga Liv. It was fun to be able to see her.
Hi, the wednesday that just pasted was the day we went with our kusin Katri to this lake where we swam but it was absolutly freezing, but at the same time refreshing!!! even though it is hot at day time it is not so warm at night time so the water stays quite cold!!! Katri brought same buns with her some chocolate ones and some cinnamon buns they were amazing!!!!!!

You might not see it but i got this tee-shirt line, it looks really wierd!!!
Now its 2 weeks left to the summer holidays. I am soooooooo excited!! Not much planned except for going to Denmark for a week. Nothing else planned yet but that will probably come in the upcoming weeks!!
Im really getting into the summer mood and all that. Its really warm here in sweden!!

Me and as you can maybe see im kinda sunburned!!
See ya